Unshackle your Thoughts from your Circumstances

Maybe you have a very strong desire of becoming one of the richest people the world has seen but probably you are getting in the way of yourself. Have you ever thought along the following lines:-
“How can I ever reach the success these Forbes people have reached?”
“How can I, a man with a P10,000 wage, become a millionaire?”
“I cannot...

Rich People always think Northward

One common trait that you will find about the rich people in the world today or at any time is that they never think small. Rich people tend to think about the largest, the biggest, the grandest, the most opulent and so on. Not just that, they carry in them a supreme confidence that they will achieve what they think. This is what sets...

The Mindset of the Rich

It is quite true that the rich mind thinks differently. They have a much different way of thinking from the so-called middle class and the poor person’s mind. We have already taken a glimpse into that. The rich person’s mind thinks more about providing quality than about earning their own profit. They think about how their products benefit...

No One is born with the Knowledge of Becoming Rich

We have already stated how people are never born with their richness. They might be born into richness, but this richness is not theirs. If they have to make it their own, they have to work for it.It is a fact that a rich man will be just as concerned about his son as a poor man would be. They would both think how their sons would manage...

Mastering the Game of Wealth

No one on this planet was born lucky. Everyone ‘lucky’ that you can think of – the richest people on the planet probably – weren’t born lucky. Agreed that some of these people were born to rich families and in rich homes, but we all know that that is not enough to make things happen.
The fact is that these people have mastered the game...

Trust is a Key to Success

If you want to be successful. Grow the trust. Oprah is the most trusted person in America. She’s also a billionaire. This is not a coincidence. So remember: The amount of money you make is directly proportionate to the number of people who trust you. Are you trustab...

What's Your Highest Peak?
It is said, after three failed attempts, Sir Edmund Hillary looked at Mount Everest and said with a tightened fist, "You have defeated me again. But I will return and I will defeat you. As Mt Everest you cannot grow any further, but as a human being, I can!"
On May 29th, 1953, Sir EdmundHillary and Tenzing Norgay conquered Mt Everest.

Alliance In Motion Global Products

C24/7 Natura-ceuticals
A breakthrough product from Nature's Way, and is exclusively distributed by AIM Global in Asia. It has over 16,000 Phyto-nutrients and a very high ORAC value. C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is approved as Halal by the Muslims and Kosher by the Jews. It is 100% Excipient Free and the material...

What is Residual Passive Income?

Residual Income is repeated income that continues to come to you long after the work you've done to produce it has ended. There are lots of ways to produce residual income. But many people don't understand it. Others have never thought about or been visible to it. And inappropriately, many ways of producing it are out of reach for 'average'...

Self-Confidence Comes From Preparation

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We often listen to someone discussing whether or not a leader was successful, or weather some program; idea or activity was a success. Far too often, however, there is little attention paid to one of the most relevant keys to success, which indeed is self-confidence. Unlike some other traits, there is no such thing as a little...

RestorLyf Longevity Anti-Aging Formula

RESTORLYF (Resveratrol) Longevity Formula
Do you want to live for 125 years? Then...
Restorlyf Longevity Formula30 Vcaps / blister boxBFAD APPROVED (BFAD FR# 78512)
SRP Php 1,500
RestorLyf is a food supplement specially formulated to prolong one’s life! Regular intake can protect your...

Why do we need to take food supplement?
Why do we need to take food supplement?
It’s true that we don’t need supplement if we just eat right. But how many of us eat three square meals a day? How many of us eat nine servings of fruits & vegetables daily which is the recommended daily requirements? To have good health, we must have good nutrition. Humans have known this instinctively since they first roamed the earth, searching for food to make them strong,...

Mode of Payment

All products are always available. Please notify me your exact order.
Quantity, Products Name, Time of Pick-up to ensure that someone will accomodate you or else you might not be entertained.
Our office: Units 301, 319 and 320 AIC Burgundy Empire Tower, cor. Garnet & Sapphire Sts., Ortigas...

AIM Global C24/7 Anti-Cancer, Stroke & Diabetes Food Supplement

C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals
AIM Global C24/7 Natura Ceuticals, the next generation food supplement!!! from AIM Global Inc.
with 22,000 phytonutrients
30 Capsules
BFAD Food Registration Number 83809
Php 1200
Product Overview visit: www.c24-seven.com
22, 000 Phyto-Nutrients
29 Vitamins / Minerals / Trace Minerals