The Mindset of the Rich

It is quite true that the rich mind thinks differently. They have a much different way of thinking from the so-called middle class and the poor person’s mind. We have already taken a glimpse into that. The rich person’s mind thinks more about providing quality than about earning their own profit. They think about how their products benefit...

No One is born with the Knowledge of Becoming Rich

We have already stated how people are never born with their richness. They might be born into richness, but this richness is not theirs. If they have to make it their own, they have to work for it.It is a fact that a rich man will be just as concerned about his son as a poor man would be. They would both think how their sons would manage...

Mastering the Game of Wealth

No one on this planet was born lucky. Everyone ‘lucky’ that you can think of – the richest people on the planet probably – weren’t born lucky. Agreed that some of these people were born to rich families and in rich homes, but we all know that that is not enough to make things happen.
The fact is that these people have mastered the game...

Trust is a Key to Success

If you want to be successful. Grow the trust. Oprah is the most trusted person in America. She’s also a billionaire. This is not a coincidence. So remember: The amount of money you make is directly proportionate to the number of people who trust you. Are you trustab...

What's Your Highest Peak?
It is said, after three failed attempts, Sir Edmund Hillary looked at Mount Everest and said with a tightened fist, "You have defeated me again. But I will return and I will defeat you. As Mt Everest you cannot grow any further, but as a human being, I can!"
On May 29th, 1953, Sir EdmundHillary and Tenzing Norgay conquered Mt Everest.